The average transportation time has doubled. What happened to the trans Pacific route?

Time:2021-10-21 Publisher:Kevin Num:3731

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At present, routes around the world have been delayed due to port congestion. Among them, the delay time of trans Pacific route is the most prominent.


Taking the ports from China to the west coast of the United States as an example, data show that the transportation time of this route has doubled in the past six months.


Although the U.S. government has implemented many measures to alleviate the pressure of congestion, there is still a large backlog of goods in Los Angeles and Long Beach port, and it is expected that there will be no downward trend in the short term.


According to the data of shifl, a digital freight forwarding company, from May to October this year, the average transportation time from Chinese ports to ports on the west coast of the United States increased from 19 days to 36 days.


Shabsie levy, CEO of the company, pointed out that it usually takes less than 20 days to transport goods from Chinese ports to ports on the west coast of the United States. Now the transportation time has reached 36 days, which has a great impact on the supply chain.


He also believes that the main reason is the lack of land infrastructure. Many containers piled up in the port can not be handled in time, which also delays the inland transportation.

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To this end, US President Joe Biden recently announced that the two major ports will implement all-weather operation services in order to transport more containers out of the terminal.


Other US ports have also made changes. Seattle and Tacoma ports also increased working hours, and port transportation in Auckland began to recover.


The report of the Southern California Maritime exchange shows that after several days of reducing the backlog, the number of ships waiting to enter the port has soared. For the first time, 100 ships are waiting to enter ports on the west coast of the United States.


At present, there are 157 ships in Los Angeles port and Long Beach port, of which 57 are waiting for unloading. These include bulk carriers, oil tankers and ordinary cargo ships.