Has the shortage of containers been alleviated?

Time:2021-09-28 Publisher:Kevin Num:3433

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During this period, the maritime supply chain was seriously blocked, and the port congestion in many countries led to the insufficient utilization of a large number of containers.

In this regard, sun Wenjian, spokesman of China's Ministry of transport, pointed out at a press conference on the 26th that China's new container production capacity is increasing and the empty container turnover is fast, which can well alleviate the container shortage.

Data show that in the first half of this year, China's total trade in goods increased by 23.7% over the same period last year, of which exports increased by 23.2%.

Looking around the world, China's foreign trade situation continues to improve. This has promoted the growth of global international container demand.

In April this year, due to the blockage of the Suez Canal, the transportation capacity of major ocean routes, including China, became very tight. This leads to an imbalance between supply and demand, resulting in rising freight rates.

Sun Wenjian pointed out that the Ministry of transport actively guided international shipping companies to increase the transport capacity and container supply of China's export routes, which will improve the turnover efficiency of containers.

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In China's main routes, the accommodation provided by major shipping companies also increased in the first half of this year. 

Taking North American and European routes as an example, the capacity of North American routes has reached 9.11 million TEUs, an increase of 40.2% over the same period last year. 

European routes also had a capacity of 5.67 million TEUs, an increase of 23.7% over the same period last year.

In addition, the Ministry of transport coordinates China's container manufacturing enterprises to increase production, and allows shipping companies to speed up the recycling of empty containers.

According to statistics, China's monthly container production capacity has been increased to 500000 TEUs.

At present, China's major container manufacturers have nearly 400000 TEUs of containers, and the supply of containers is guaranteed.

However, some shipping companies have caused a small amount of empty container shortage due to shipping schedule delay or other objective factors.

The Ministry of transport encourages Chinese shippers to actively sign long-term transportation contracts with shipping companies to provide stable supply chain guarantee.

Sun Wenjian said that in the next step, relevant measures will be implemented with the Ministry of Commerce and other departments to ensure the smoothness and stability of the logistics supply chain.