History repeats itself? Another container ship owned by EVA shipping ran aground

Time:2022-03-17 Publisher:Kevin Num:3158


Last year's most impressive shipping event was the grounding of "Ever Given" of EVA shipping. At that time, the incident made more than 400 ships unable to pass, causing huge economic losses and shocking the world.

Now nearly a year after the incident, another container ship owned by the shipping company ran aground. The incident took place not in the Suez Canal, but near the distant port of Baltimore in the United States.

It is understood that the ship should have left Baltimore port on the 13th and then sailed to Norfolk port and New York port in the east of the United States. As the ship is still stranded as of the evening of the 15th, the goods will face delay!

The ship is a container ship named"Ever Forward"under EVA shipping, with a capacity of 12118teu and a length of 1.095 feet.

According to the data of ship tracking system (AIS), "ever forward" ran aground near Gibson island on the way from seagirt terminal in Baltimore to Norfolk port in Virginia.

The animation of the ship's track shows that at the time of the incident, the ship was traveling normally at a speed of about 12 knots. The AIS real-time signal on Monday showed that at least two tugboats were nearby to help with the shallowing.

Some shipping experts said that the container ship may have missed the turn outside the channel and ran aground. The average water level in the area is 24 feet, while the ship's draft is 42 feet and is fully loaded.

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed that the container ship did not cause pollution or significant damage. Since the ship is not in the main channel position, it will not pose a threat to other ships as it ran aground a year ago.

EVA shipping also sent divers to the sea to check whether the hull was damaged. At present, the rescue is still ongoing.

The ports of the route include Yantian port, Xiamen port and Kaohsiung port. Through the Panama Canal to the ports on the east coast of the United States: New York port, Norfolk port, Baltimore port and Savannah port.

GLA Family hereby reminds the majority of cargo owners and freight forwarders that if your goods are on the ship, you need to pay attention to the latest logistics news and communicate with the shipping company in time to avoid further delay of goods.