Time:2015-10-12 Publisher:UNITED SHIPPING RIMEX LTDA Num:76
To receive 150 high-cube 40ft containers, to provide full cleaning and quarantine wash down service in compliance with DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) to ready them for loading a cargo of 500,000 pieces of assorted scaffolding which was also to receive full cleaning and quarantine service again in compliance with DAFF, following this they would be then packed into the containers which were to be fumigated before their departure to Australia. The processes were to be fully documented.
Each scaffolding piece was carefully unpacked and placed on a concrete plinth for cleaning, firstly with detergent and brushes followed by two stages of high-pressure washing, this was to ensure that every piece of scaffolding was a 100% free from dirt, bugs, flora, and fauna.
Once the scaffolding pieces had dried, CISLIN 25 was applied through use of a backpack sprayer to eradicate any remaining bugs or eggs. CISLIN 25 is a DAFF compliant residual insecticide, which prevents the infestation of insects before they are packed into shipping containers. As with the initial washing stage, each piece is meticulously sprayed to ensure complete protection.
After the drying of the CISLIN 25 application is complete the scaffold packs were loaded and secured into CEA’s quarantine compliance area to await packing into the containers, while in the compliance area several more applications of CISLIN 25 were applied to maintain the residual protection.
Each of the containers to be used were cleaned inside and out with scrub brushes and disinfectant followed by high-pressure washers until the whole container was completely clean and ready for use.
After completing all cleaning requirements and fulfilling all quarantine regulations for the scaffolding, CEA proceeded to load and pack them into designated containers. Upon the completion of loading, the final fumigation process began. The containers were placed under a quarantine shroud, Methyl Bromide was then pumped in and the shroud sealed, the container was left for 24 hours while it absorbed the Methyl Bromide.
After 24 hours had elapsed CEA de-gassed each container for a further 24 hours to ensure all residual gas has dissipated, a fumigation certificate was then issued by CEA. The final parts of the procedure began with all containers being tagged with shipping seals which are provided by the shipping agent, they were then loaded on to CEA trucks and transported to container terminal for shipping to Australia. CEA provided a complete document pack to the shipper, consisting of photographic evidence of the cleaning process and quarantine compliance check sheets.