Time:2015-10-12 Publisher:UNITED SHIPPING RIMEX LTDA Num:86
A CEA 220 Ton crane moved into position alongside the barge. Counterweights for the crane were installed. Operatives removed the hook block and unfastened the bridle section from the main boom. The crawler cranes 10 counter weights were lifted and removed one at a time and placed on three CEA flatbed trailers. The next crane section removed was the counterweight holder this was loaded onto a CEA low loader.
The CEA crane was moved further along the barge to lift the main boom. The main boom comprised of five sections, four insert booms, and one boom top. Lifting slings were secured in four key lift points to compensate for the heavy boom top section. The crane lifted the complete boom and lowered it on to the port.
CEA operatives removed the boom pins and dismantled the boom into five sections. The boom top was secured in place on a low loader trailer, each of the four insert booms were placed and secured on separate flatbed trailers. The crane was once again moved to facilitate the demobilization, both tracks on the crawler section were unpinned and lifted on to a low loader trailer and secured. Walkway steps attached to the crawler section were removed and secured on a flatbed truck.
The only section remaining on the barge was the crane base with boom base attached. Operatives retracted and lowered the main bridle section and slings were attached to the lift points. The CEA crane lifted the base & boom on to the port floor below. The cranes operative then retracted all supports and lowered the boom base ready for transportation. The crane base section was lifted on to a low loader trailer and secured in place. The trailer with police escort made the journey to CEA’s Cargo Consolidation Facility in Laem Chabang to await shipping to Singapore.