Promo rates by LO Smart Service: WAW - PEK by air

Time:2022-09-05 Publisher:DUX LOGISTICS DANIEL SAJNACKI Num:27

Dear Partners,
Below is a promotional offer for the LO Smart Service: WAW -    PEK, valid for general cargo until 30.SEP.2022.  Terms: FOB
Please feel free to contact us and enquire.
Airfreight from WAW to PEK by LO Smart Service:

+45kg: 3,65 EUR/kg + MCC: 0,90 EUR/kg by c.w.
1cbm = 167kg
 AWB & AMS fee: 20,00 EUR
 Rates valid only for general, stackable cargo - batteries        liquids, military and dual use products & any DG goods not        accept
 All bookings are subject to capacity availability